4,200 citizens will compete, in the province of Cunene, for the 270 vacancies for cleaning assistants in the Education sector.

Speaking to ANGOP this Friday, the director of the Provincial Office of Education in Cunene, Domingos de Oliveira, explained that the proof of the public tender, which will take place in March, will be based on an interview with the candidates.

He said that the provisional lists of all candidates admitted and excluded from the competition, for not presenting the documentation with the required conditions, are posted in the municipal directorates of Education.

The official highlighted the importance of holding this public tender for the admission of cleaning assistants in the Education sector, which will alleviate the shortage of employees in this area, at the level of educational institutions.

The publication of the lists of final results takes place between April and June and the signing of contracts, titles and orders of provision is scheduled for the month of July.

This is the first public tender for the admission of cleaning assistants to the Ministry of Education.

According to the Dispatch, the recruitment process aims to mitigate and avoid costs of schools in hiring cleaning staff.

The province of Cunene controls 868 schools, 792 of which are primary schools, 56 of the first cycle and 20 of the second. Two hundred and 35 thousand and 107 students are enrolled in this academic year, provided by 6,228 teachers.


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