The ministries of Youth and Sports and Economy and Planning will implement, until 2022, a training program and economic orientation for youth, within the framework of a cooperation protocol.

Nito Alves, activista social presente no evento

According to a note from the Ministry of Youth and Sports (Minjud) to which ANGOP had access, the program will be operated by the Angolan Youth Institute (IAJ) and the National Institute of Small and Medium Enterprises (INAPEM).

It is an initiative of the Angolan Executive, of national scope, which contemplates several areas of training, with emphasis on the areas of preparation of business plans, management of companies and cooperatives, accounting, technical assistance, formalization of business and entrepreneurship.

According to the note, it expects to reach a total of 20 thousand young people across the country, in the period between 2020 and 2022, and will essentially benefit young people with a vocation for entrepreneurship.

“This is an innovative and comprehensive program, which aims, essentially, to guarantee the capacities within Angolan youth in view of the structuring projects that the Executive has been developing within the scope of the Production Support, Export Diversification and Import Replacement Program –PRODESI ”, the note reads.

The program was formalized and endorsed by the holders of both sectors, in August of the current year, and will be operationalized through the provincial representations of IAJ and INAPEM.

To this end, he added, the youth support infrastructures spread across the country, namely the Youth House and the Community Youth Centers, were adjusted in terms of curriculum and organization to meet the training and economic orientation program for youth.

The cooperation protocol aims to promote entrepreneurship and qualified youth cooperatives as an essential tool for generating self-employment and promoting economic participation by youth.

It also aims to carry out economic orientation actions for young people, so that their businesses are better structured and thus become feasible, reliable and safe, to boost business models based on innovation and creativity, to ensure greater viability and flexibility in supporting projects of young entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs, and identify young potential entrepreneurs and support the development of their skills.

Among the objectives is also to stimulate youth entrepreneurship, providing them with tools that make them increasingly prepared for the main challenges of the national economy.

The program foresees, among other actions, training, monitoring, consultancy and monitoring, support in setting up companies and cooperatives, guidance on management, the market and access to credit within the framework of ongoing programs, formalization of activities.

It also includes certification, business incubation and acceleration, access to finance, support for setting up startups and skills development.


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