Four hundred and thirty-two health professionals have already started to formalize their admission, with the signing of contracts to join the 320 admitted to the 2019 public tender.

Within the scope of the 9,290 vacancies made available by the Ministry of Health to qualify doctors and nurses, who had positive marks in the 2019 public tender, but which had not been due to limited vacancies, Bengo province received an additional quota of 432 vacancies.

Domingas de Castro said after signing the contract he was happy with his first job and showed himself prepared for the new challenges.

Simão Lukamba said he will honor the commitment to work to save lives and help the country's development.

Speaking to the press, the acting director of the Provincial Health Office in Bengo, Manuel Filipe, clarified that some candidates who competed in Bengo were transferred to other provinces due to their need.

At the local level, they will continue to do the survey to find the units with the greatest need to receive the professionals who are now being admitted.


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