O Secretary of State for Finance and Treasury, Osvaldo João, requires, in this second-fair, the years of public managers, greater rigor and discipline in the management of the country, having in count the uncertainties around the global economy.

Edifício do Ministério da justiça

Osvaldo João asked that each intervening party reveal his or her role in the management of treasury and reinforce the inspection and control measures that guarantee the efficiency of its execution, noting that OGE 2021 does not allow for waste or deviations of any nature

O responsável, who intervened in the National Seminar on “Treasury Rules”, promoted by the School of Administration and Public Policies (ENAPP), said that the sovereign bodies are to work, not fight, sem tréguas, all who are trying to appropriate- I know two resources of the State.

“As well as pressures for the deviations, I impose on permanent technical training to carry out or err. He manages how he knows more and makes better decisions. Quem executes requirements adopting practices subject to total scrutiny and understood by the community we serve - or poorly ”, referred Osvaldo João.

According to the responsibility, which was addressed to managers of 18 provinces of the country, among the four governors, or OGE 2021, in discussion at the National Assembly, it contains great challenges in function of uncertainties on a global scale, due to the Covid-19 pandemic , which may be ainda resented or next year.

For this reason, we ask for a greater focus on the management of the treasury, whose executors must respond to the guarantee of despesas and correspond as it is orchestrated.

As units orçamentais, prosecute, are responsible for the defined policies, but rather than executing the temporary payments or paying attention to the rules and procedures.

Angola has a cycle of surpluses verified in 2018 and 2019, of 2% and 0.6% of GDP, respectively.

This surplus, second or responsible, for the results of two commitments with the stabilization of public finances, after which, four consecutive years of current expenditures that exceed the current receipts were recorded.

As the emergence and aggravation of the Covid-19 pandemic, the tax receipts of Angola will fall on a new, projected face.

From the point of view of treasury, in the framework of this same year, when the projects were revisited, or the country was on the verge of losing five thousand thousand dollars in financial resources, about four thousand thousand thousand dollars, there will be oil receipts and about one thousand Millions of dollars of resources that should be received from non-oil receipts, forcing a review of the OGE 2020.

OGE revised 2020 appears a more adjusted quadro for new challenges and development, presenting a fiscal deficit of 4% of GDP.

O Ministério das Finanças may or redouble its efforts to public managers, in this environment that adds to many uncertainties

In this national seminar, the managers prepare the rules and procedures to suppress eventual lacunae that still persist in the management of regras in terms of treasury.

As a reference price of $ 39 or a barrel of oil, on the basis of OGE 2021 it contemplates shipments to order two 14.7 kwanzas, plus 9.9% in relation to the OGE 2020 review.


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